
Hanoi, Vietnam
Southeast Asia travel
Vietnam travel

Visiting Hanoi’s lakes, night market, and war museum

Like many travelers, I enjoy visiting Southeast Asia a lot. I’ve visited 6 countries and have been to the region numerous times, including twice this year. But the first country I ever visited in Southeast Asia was Vietnam and it remains my favorite. My first stop was its capital Hanoi. I flew into Hanoi, not […]

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Book reviews

Book review- The Sympathizer

Lots of books have been written about the Vietnam War but most of those have been about the US experience. The Sympathizer is a novel about the war from a Vietnamese perspective, but even this is a little complicated. The protagonist is a South Vietnamese captain and aide of a special police general, both of whom flee […]

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Tribute to train travel

The first time I ever took a train was in my 20s when I visited East Asia before my final year of university. Since then, I’ve taken trains across China, Japan, Taiwan, and several other countries in Asia, as well as Western Europe. Taking the train, whether high-speed or regular or sleeper, is to me […]

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